Elizabeth Parker Books

Elizabeth Parker Books
Author of books about dogs and thrillers

Monday, November 5, 2012

What? People Buying Reviews?


Do people really do this?  Since becoming an author, one thing I've noticed in forums, on comments, in the news and even on reviews is that there is 'hype' that some authors— indie or traditional—buy reviews.  Even worse, there are also rumors that some authors will PAY to have bad reviews put on OTHER author's books or purposely write bad reviews on another's book to bring that book's ratings down! 

I sincerely hope that is not true, but had to comment.

My question is this- WHY?!!  As an indie author, I can say either you'll like my books or you won't.  There's no need to buy reviews and I certainly wouldn't stoop to buy reviews that badmouth another author.   That is simply awful!

In the wide world of books while, yes, there are competitors, I don't know anyone who will ONLY read books from ONE author.  If  you like thrillers, wouldn't you read any author's thriller as long as it looked appealing?  Is the general public just going to sit around and wait for their one favorite author to write another book without checking out other authors?  As an avid reader, I can tell you that there is no way I would just sit and wait. I'll read books by other writers without a problem, as long as I like their style.  There's no need to crush a fellow author. 

So, that being said, I find it important enough to repeat.  There's no need to smash the competition.  Since I've been writing, I've met other authors who write of the same genre I do and their work is amazing.  You can bet that I've given them a great review if I enjoyed their books. I would never badmouth them just to direct readers my way.  

And buy reviews? I don't know any author who does this and if this truly happens, then that is just too bad.  Either someone is going to like your work or they won't.  I'll be honest- I love getting a good review, (and sometimes sulk a little over the bad), but I read them, try to learn from them and move on.  It's just bad sportsmanship, for lack of a better term, to sabotage another author or falsely build yourself up.

Do friends and relatives write reviews?  Of course, some might and why shouldn't they if they are honest?  And most that I know are pretty candid.  They can also be pretty straightforward when a book has mistakes.  I've had other authors send me painful (but necessary) lists of edits that needed to be made to my books.  It's just the way it is—especially in the beginning.  Without an editor, errors can easily happen.

So one promise I can make is that I'll never buy reviews- good or bad.  If you're another author and I love your book, I'm giving a review!  And if you're receptive to constructive criticism, I'm happy to forward you any errors I've come across.

Thanks for listening!

Copyright 2012 © Elizabeth Parker


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer Reading 2012!

About two years ago, I entered the exciting scene of indie authors without realizing just how much I'd learn and how many wonderful people I'd meet.  Now, when I say meet, I don’t mean in person.  I haven’t truly 'met' any of these authors, nor have I even spoken to them on the phone.  I might not even recognize them if I passed them on the street!  I have to say, however, that I do feel like I know many of them, through their books, social media and various forums.  I've been fortunate enough to be able to speak with many of them, ask advice, give advice,receive and provide feedback, and overall, discover that there’s a LOT of unique hidden talent out there, probably writing a book as we speak! 

I’ve asked some of them to provide for links to their books and decided to put together a list for Summer Reading and some are suggestions from friends.  I’ve read a few of these books and others, I haven’t yet had the opportunity to read, but they will be downloaded to my kindle in the near future!  I figured why not share them with other authors and readers, who are looking for some fresh creativity. The best part is that many of these are $2.99 or less! That’s less than a greeting card and provides hours on entertainment! You might even discover your new favorite author!  The descriptions are either from the author or Amazon.com
So, in no particular order, here they are.  Enjoy! 

Crime fiction
Title: Detective Jake: The Search for Truth

Author: Sheila Rae Myers
Description: Detective Jake Stalb and his partner, Detective Cheryl McCoy, respond to a report of a drive-by shooting. Arriving on the scene, they discover they have two victims.  Neither victim can be identified. After returning to the police station, Jake gets a shock when he realizes the boy reminds him of a bully and a killer from his past. Jake now has to track down the killer, find a missing child, and deal with memories he thought he’d buried as a teen-ager.
It’s not long before Jake discovers, through his own gut feelings and the concerns of his partner and the patrol team helping on the case, that the gang to which the killer belongs is receiving help from within the department’s ranks. Jake realizes he has more than a homicide to solve, he now has to discover how deep the inside operation goes. Jake also learns, through comments made by the insiders and the shooting suspects, that he’s a marked man. After hearing the name and the threat, Jake is able to put the name with a face. Doug Sylvester is the bully from Jake’s past who is seeking revenge against Jake and will stop at nothing to kill him.

Jake is not a man who believes there is a supernatural power influencing his life; however, that’s all about to change. An avowed atheist from a young age, he learns miracles do happen.
Links:   http://www.amazon.com/Detective-Jake-Search-Truth-ebook/dp/B003KVKT34/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1337289036&sr=1-1

Christian Fiction
Title: Twisted Christians
Author: Scott Meade
Twisted Christians is a story of spiritual warfare. It exposes the realm of the spirit world, where demons manipulate the minds of nonbelievers and Christians alike. It is a story that relates to biblical prophecies as well as paranormal activity and the world of the occult.
Links: http://www.amazon.com/Twisted-Christians-ebook/dp/B003UN7WS2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1337359332&sr=8-2

Adult Romance:
Title: Miranda's Second Chance
Author: Brandi Ratliff
Description: Miranda's life was going great. Five days shy of getting married, her two best friends were planning to take her on the camping trip of a lifetime for her bachelorette party. Then, with one horrible phone call, her wedding is called off and her future is changed forever.
Deciding to take the camping trip herself to get over the man who broke her heart, she finds herself face-to-face with whom she believes to be a stripper who hadn't received the memo that the party was cancelled. Soon after, Miranda is caught between a rock and a hard place...literally. Mix a steamy park ranger, with loads of alcohol and a determination to forget What's-His-Name, you have the perfect recipe for Miranda's second chance.
Links: http://www.amazon.com/Mirandas-Second-Chance-ebook/dp/B007K7ZGZU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1337123367&sr=8-1

Language, Sexual content, graphic violence, bloody gore. Recommended for ages 18+ Title: Marinade-Wishing-Well-Series-Book One
Author: Rebecca Ratliff
Description: What if having your most desired wishes come true was as easy as throwing something in an old well, and stating your wish? What if the one granting your wish was a beautiful demon named Daniel? Would you take a chance?
Allison Philips, a girl you'll love to hate, is on the verge of losing her best friend, Sarah. She reluctantly decides to go to the freshman wishing well party with the hope of finding her friend and giving her an apology. Never a believer in anything but herself, she makes a wish that she knows will make Sarah happy. Instead, Allison fights for her life as Daniel makes her wish come true in the most agonizing and terrifying way possible.
Links: http://www.amazon.com/Marinade-Wishing-Well-Series-ebook/dp/B006XNQ7L4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1337123598&sr=1-1

Title: Bigger-Wishing-Well-Series-Book Two

Author: Rebecca Ratliff
Description: What if having your most desired wishes come true was as easy as throwing something in an old well, and stating your wish? What if the one granting your wish was a beautiful demon named Daniel? Would you take a chance?
Links: http://www.amazon.com/Bigger-Wishing-Well-Series-ebook/dp/B0072QS336/ref=la_B0070PN9Y2_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1337123618&sr=1-2

YA Science Fiction/Romance
Title: C I N: "Lynn, Lynn, the city of sin. You never come out the way you went in." (C I N Series)
Author: Christina Leigh Pritchard
The Doctor said I should be dead.
My heart beat furiously. I looked up at the flashes of lightning in the sky. Yes, I should be dead.
Why wasn’t I? 
Seventeen year old Lisa Brown’s life is falling apart. First, her mother and father divorce, then their house forecloses and now, her mother has decided to commit herself to a psychiatric hospital.
If that weren’t enough, she must leave sunny south Florida to attend a boarding school full of geniuses in cold, Lynn, Massachusetts.
Link: http://amzn.com/B003T0G84A
Watch the book trailer! http://youtu.be/yRdrGVinWdQ

Title: Beguiled: The Tribulation Conspiracy
Author: Joanne Lyons
Description: The world economy is slowly failing and a global monetary system is imminent. GUILE is responsible for making it happen. If they can make America fall, everything else will fit into place as the other nations topple like dominoes. They tripped the USA with the attacks of 9/11. But after the World Trade Towers fell, there was only increased American pride. They decide to be subtle with destruction of a non-suspicious nature. How can they do this and not implicate themselves?
Links: http://www.amazon.com/Beguiled-The-Tribulation-Conspiracy-ebook/dp/B006HUE4MM/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1337378666&sr=1-1http://www.amazon.com/Beguiled-The-Tribulation-Conspiracy-ebook/dp/B006HUE4MM/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1337378666&sr=1-1

Author:  Me! Elizabeth Parker
Title: Faces of Deception

Description: Jacqueline was a regular girl striving to exceed her own expectations in life, strictly following her own path, while finding her footing amongst unforeseen obstacles.  As a teenager she found herself implicated with a twisted clique that posed as her friends, but used her as a scapegoat when their own freedom was on the line. Although a major setback, she redeemed herself with society and believed she'd never encounter that clique again. Years later, however, they disrupt her life in more ways than one.  Just when she's about to reach her breaking point, a freak accident forces her to make a rash decision; one that can put her away forever, or set her free for good. 
On the south side of town, Donovan and Carmine were co-owners of a plumbing facility.  Friends for years, they each had their concerns regarding the company, as well as about their own vested interests.  When a string of burglaries occur and money mysteriously disappears, they deal with it their own way, keeping the police force as far away as possible.
In tangled webs of deceit, these two worlds intertwine.  The real question is, which one of them can truly be trusted?
Links: http://www.amazon.com/Faces-of-Deception-ebook/dp/B0078G41CW/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1337384699&sr=8-2

Paranormal Romance
Title: Legacy Forgotten
Author: Nicole Hill

She has no idea what in her past could be coming after her and has no one she can trust.
He has been around long enough to know that when his gut is telling him something, he's just gotta go with it.
Barnesandnoble.com http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/legacy-forgotten-nicole-hill/1106993077
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nicolehillauthor

Genre: Women’s FictionTitle: Love & Wrath: The Beginning
Author: G.E. Johnson
A shameful secret. A powerful friendship. Righteous vengeance...
This novella pulls back the curtain on the lives of two best friends, Sheila & Lily, successful art gallery owners who are well-known in the Mid-Western art world. Beautiful art is the last thing that these friends are worried about, though, when their friend Keisha flees her abusive husband after years of covering for him and comes to her friends for help.
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Wrath-The-Beginning-ebook/dp/B005F4FNE4


Title: The Suicide Game

Author: Andy Rausch

Description: When five bored rich kids bet each other as to who will be the first to drive an innocent victim of their choice to death, little do they realise that one of those they randomly select in a shopping mall is the Mafia's top West Coast hitman.
Link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Suicide-Game-ebook/dp/B005HZL35E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1337448426&sr=8-1

Title: Blood Moon

Author: Larae White
Links:  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006QC2WG6


Title: Young Dan and HORROR-able People

Author: Dan Clyburn
Description: It tells you how I grew up in a very poor family, there is a lot more that could be told, but this will give you some idea about what it was like. This is a collection of short stories and memories, bad things do happen. I must warn you, it’s in just plain English, the way I talk and use grammar, as if you were setting there and I was telling you a bedtime story.
Links: http://www.amazon.com/Young-Dan-HORROR-able-People-ebook/dp/B007JN4WZA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1337376908&sr=8-1

Copyright 2012 Elizabeth Parker
Author of Finally Home, Final Journey, My Dog Does That!, Bark Out Loud!, Unwanted Dreams, Phobia, Evil's Door and Faces of Deception

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bon Rose- Not Just Any Rose...

As an indie author, I'm always interested in meeting people and reading books by other indie authors.  Since I started writing and publishing my own work two years ago, I've met a group of creative, ambitious, generous, helpful and overall fun-loving people who are always willing to go the extra mile without ever being asked.  This group is not limited to only indie authors, but also includes business owners, photographers, and volunteers in animal rescue organizations. I've been taken aback by some who have gone so far above and beyond for me, especially in this day and age, that I don't know how to thank them! 
One of these people is indie author, Bon Rose.  She writes spooky short stories that keep you entertained and longing for more.  In fact, before long, you'll find yourself revisiting Amazon to download her next book!

A quote taken from her Amazon website, is apropos as it relates to her stories. "Warning: My short stories are for children and the young at heart. If you're too old to remember your childhood, these aren't for you!" Don't we all want to remember a time when there wasn't a worry in the world and have just a moment or two to be young at heart?
Her bio, is as follows: "Born in Iowa, I grew up reading the Nancy Drew Mysteries. As a teen I did a rough draft of a short story but it wasn't until a few years ago that I finally took my time to sit down and re-write it, and then had it published as an e-short story called Old Jacob. I now have several short stories and one book with the first 6 stories which is called The "Old Adventures of Hailey and Jared". These stories were written with my grandchildren in mind and are based on some adventures from my childhood. I did write one story for adults "Dying to Write" as once I start a story it's hard to stop and it occurred to me that I could do a story about it. I have sold a few and of course would love to sell a bunch more but the feeling of accomplishment when I finished a story is satisfying enough."

To learn more about this author, click here to visit her website.
To view all of her books, stroll on over to Amazon and visit her author page: Amazon.com
Her books are also on Smashwords
Find her here on Facebook.

Take a peek at her books.  They won't disappoint!!

Copyright 2012 Elizabeth Parker
Author of Finally Home, Final Journey, Bark Out Loud!, My Dog Does That!, Unwanted Dreams, Phobia, Evil's Door and Faces of Deception

Friday, March 9, 2012

Did You Keep a Journal as a Teen?

Thanks to Dennis Blanchard, a great indie author for whom I have a great deal of respect, I found something that I wanted to write about.  It has been a while since I wrote on this blog, so I'm glad to be back.  In my book, Phobia, the main character kept a journal.  As I was writing it, I knew that girls kept journals during their younger years and some even still do, but I wasn't sure if guys did and if so, would they admit to it?  I found out that quite a few had and yes, they admitted it, although they might not have at the time. 

I recall keeping a journal and then it doubled and then tripled in size.  In addition, I kept  a dream log.  I can still remember some of the lines that I wrote in my journal because my witty, sarcastic humor shined through even when talking to myself! During a bout of self-pity, I recall writing this line verbatim, "I'm writing with the pen that my boss gave me after shutting down the business.  Guess that's how I have so much time to write now."  It was a Cross pen.  I still have it fifteen years later and it still writes. I guess that says something about Cross pens, and I do wish I kept those journals. Right now, they are floating away somewhere, pages of illegible scribble that probably no one except for myself can decipher.

Journals are a funny thing, because at the time, you don't want anyone to read them, but years later, you might find that you want to share at least SOME of their contents.  Why? Because they CAN be hilarious since so much time has passed!   You might look back and say to yourself, I was upset about what and who?  I can't even remember their last name!  It's also a great release of stress, anger, happiness, or sadness. Nowadays, I'll type up a journal, get my frustrations out and then close out without clicking the 'save' button.

Dream logs are another animal altogether.  Since so many of my books are about dreams, or have dreams in them, or are something I dreamt up, I absolutely LOVE dream logs. Of course, some from years prior have gotten lost in transitions, but I still keep current ones. I love reading them over and over.  Some  are downright spooky, but others are funny as can be.  I'm one of those people who recall their dreams frame-by-frame.  I don't lose any of the details when I wake up, so it's interesting to see just what was going through my head while I was asleep.

Do you keep a journal? Did you when you were younger?  Any funny stories you want to share? Feel free to post them here!

By the way, if you want a great book about the Appalachian trail, read about from Dennis - Three Hundred Zeroes: Lessons on the Heart on the Appalachian Trail.  Pick it up at Amazon.com. And no, Dennis, you shouldn't shut up! :)
Copyright © 2012 Elizabeth Parker
Visit me at www.facebook.com/goldenbooks1 or Twitter.com/golden_books
Click here for a list of my books! Books by Elizabeth Parker