Elizabeth Parker Books

Elizabeth Parker Books
Author of books about dogs and thrillers

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bon Rose- Not Just Any Rose...

As an indie author, I'm always interested in meeting people and reading books by other indie authors.  Since I started writing and publishing my own work two years ago, I've met a group of creative, ambitious, generous, helpful and overall fun-loving people who are always willing to go the extra mile without ever being asked.  This group is not limited to only indie authors, but also includes business owners, photographers, and volunteers in animal rescue organizations. I've been taken aback by some who have gone so far above and beyond for me, especially in this day and age, that I don't know how to thank them! 
One of these people is indie author, Bon Rose.  She writes spooky short stories that keep you entertained and longing for more.  In fact, before long, you'll find yourself revisiting Amazon to download her next book!

A quote taken from her Amazon website, is apropos as it relates to her stories. "Warning: My short stories are for children and the young at heart. If you're too old to remember your childhood, these aren't for you!" Don't we all want to remember a time when there wasn't a worry in the world and have just a moment or two to be young at heart?
Her bio, is as follows: "Born in Iowa, I grew up reading the Nancy Drew Mysteries. As a teen I did a rough draft of a short story but it wasn't until a few years ago that I finally took my time to sit down and re-write it, and then had it published as an e-short story called Old Jacob. I now have several short stories and one book with the first 6 stories which is called The "Old Adventures of Hailey and Jared". These stories were written with my grandchildren in mind and are based on some adventures from my childhood. I did write one story for adults "Dying to Write" as once I start a story it's hard to stop and it occurred to me that I could do a story about it. I have sold a few and of course would love to sell a bunch more but the feeling of accomplishment when I finished a story is satisfying enough."

To learn more about this author, click here to visit her website.
To view all of her books, stroll on over to Amazon and visit her author page: Amazon.com
Her books are also on Smashwords
Find her here on Facebook.

Take a peek at her books.  They won't disappoint!!

Copyright 2012 Elizabeth Parker
Author of Finally Home, Final Journey, Bark Out Loud!, My Dog Does That!, Unwanted Dreams, Phobia, Evil's Door and Faces of Deception

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice blog!! Thanks so much Elizabeth, very much appreciated from a fellow author :)
